Do YOU need a COVID-19 operational plan in NB?

The answer is most likely yes. The rules seem to change daily, however, I spoke with a Government of New Brunswick rep and I had another one email me to make sure I had all of the right info (as of April 2021!). First and foremost, you, the one inviting people to participate in a gathering, need to have an operational plan. The venue also needs to have one. Your guests and vendors should be made aware of what your operational plan consists of so everyone is on the same page! If you don’t have an operational plan and authorities […]

COVID-19 Alternative entertainment for your event!

COVID-19 has really changed the way we think and do things, and weddings/events are no exception! So if you’re struggling to come up with some fun ideas for your big day hopefully these will get you started! Table dancing until you hear your request No I’m not talking about dancing ON the tables, rather around the tables, because let’s be honest, most venue tables aren’t strong enough to hold someone dancing. I’ve seen many (and I mean many) tables go down over the years! Encourage your guests to dance around their tables UNTIL the song THEY requested plays, then they […]

Fun wedding traditions

So you’re trying to figure out how to make your wedding a little more you… here’s some great ideas! Wine Box Ceremony Time-capsule AND wine?! Count me in! My soon-to-be hubby has no idea yet but we’re totally doing this! During a wine box ceremony you both place a love letter and a bottle of wine into a box and lock it up. While it’s meant to be open on a milestone anniversary, it can also come in handy if ever there’s a rocky moment where you’re both contemplating calling it quits, open this box and rekindle that spark. Ring […]

Why Aren’t People Dancing?

It does happen from time to time, so don’t feel bad if your dance floor is empty! There’s a million reasons why people don’t dance, but here’s a few I’ve noticed over the years. – The dance floor is too big. (Most) people don’t like being watched when busting a move. – It’s too bright. Again, people don’t like being watched when busting a move. – They haven’t seen each other in years. When you have relatives & friends coming from afar, they want to catch up with everyone. – They’re not drunk enough. Once the liquid courage is flowing […]

Can I See Your Playlist?

Every event is totally different, so we don’t have playlists. While some DJ’s are all about set playlists (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!) we’re more comfortable going on the fly and watching what works with the crowd! However we do ask all of our clients what genres they prefer for the evening, and request lists are encouraged!

Why Can’t My Request Be Next?

There’s a few answers for this. – Someone has requested before you, no worries, we’ll get to your song as soon as we can! – It’s a totally opposite genre than what we’re currently playing. We strive on making our music sound seamless! If you requested rap and we’re playing country, we have to find songs that can get us there. Sometimes this takes 3-4 songs to accomplish and then we’ll get to your request! – We have to download it. Being licensed means we have to obtain our music legally. Mobile phone reception/wifi sucks in some buildings so it […]

Where Can I Get A Song-Mix?

Yes we do! You choose your fav songs and what order you want them in, and we create a mix uniquely for you. These can be provided before hand so you can practice before the big day! You can find examples on the DJ Services page.

What Kind Of Music Do You Have?

We have popular music from the 50’s to now, our library includes over 4,000 songs. Country, Top 40, Rock, Swing, Jazz, Classical and even Acadian hits! If your music style is more underground, be sure to send a request list to make sure we have your jams! We can download on the fly (as long as there is reception or wifi) but the tunes must be available on iTunes as we are licensed through AVLA and must obtain our music from authorized sources.

What Info Does The MC Need?

Heads up, DJ’s love being in the limelight, that’s why we do what we do! But not all people enjoy a mic in their face and hundreds of people looking at them. If you’re family and friends aren’t public speakers, we can help! The more info you can give us the better! A TIMELINE is necessary. Exact times aren’t needed (I’ve yet to attend a wedding that stays exactly on schedule) but the order of events is important to keep things rolling. Ex. Bridal Party Entrance, Dinner, Speeches, Cake Cutting, Shoe Game, First Dances, Bouquet & Garter… If you’re having […]